from 15 x 15 cm / 60 x 60 cm / 130 x 30 cm
The absurd placement of sculptures in the sky frees the viewer from the cumbersome attachment to earth and time and ironizes the cosmic-religious shudder of the usual reception of art. The idea of freedom and originality is taken to extremes. This unusual perspective creates a new world of experience, changes the perception of space and time and refers to transience and contingency before the vastness of space.
The pictures and videos have been realized with techniques and tools, some of which I developed myself beforehand. Among others, techniques from model flying and Kite-Aerial-Photography (KAP) were used. These techniques were modified and developed by me in such a way that they enable me to go up in the air with my sculptures and drawing tools.
Since I have not found anything comparable so far, I have summarized the techniques, sculptures and pictures under the term "KunstFlug". None of the photos and videos have been post-processed.